To some people, the challenge that comes with an exciting round of golf goes beyond having to score more points than their opponents. The challenge also lies in dealing with the obstacle that is the golf course design itself. If you have played a difficult game of golf before, you may have wondered who came up with the ridiculous golf course design that sent your mind boggling.
As you may already know, not all golf course designs are the same. Several factors affect how a certain golf course is designed. One such factor is geography, which dictates and limits the digging or filling of holes within the available terrain. Golf courses are also designed to minimize or avoid flooding during the rainy season.
There are some courses that are designed for novice players, and others are for seasoned ones. While some playing fields are easy and simple enough for people who like to play an occasional game of golf, other golf course designs are so complicated that even professionals find them exceptionally challenging.
Valleys, hills, water hazards, and ravines that are mostly seen in golf courses add challenge to the game. Some of these were pre-existing and some were man-made to make the golf course design more challenging to players. When playing on a course owned by a golf course community, the homes, roads, and other structures also add a bit of a challenge to the design.
When coming up with a golf course design, one of the most important things that a designer has to consider is the drainage. A golf course, being an open field, is exposed to all kinds of elements, including heavy rain that can cause flood, resulting in costly damages. Obviously, some designers are more adept than others, and their skills have made them sought-after persons when it comes to designing a golf course, either private or public.
If you are looking to play in a course designed by one of these designers, read golf course reviews to find out where you can admire and enjoy their impressive work.